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If you're reading Tiffani, this section is for you. This is just a small thankyou from us to you for being so kind and cool!
To add, email me at ultra_tiffani@hotmail.com
I like Tiffani because she is amazing! she is so talented and determined to do well and she never gives up!!! I Love the way
that Tiff is so nice and friendly to her fans... she takes the time to reply to every question she gets asked on the forum
and makes everyone feel welcome!!! Seriously how many celebrities actually reply to almost every post on their own forum!!!
For the resons above and many others that i dont have the words to explain are why i LOVE Tiffani!!!
Briony Heading (Sydney, NSW)
Tiff the musician- Right from the 'olden days' lol I thought Tiff was easily the best and most versatile singer in Bardot,
and through hard work and dedication she's been able to showcase that talent on a solo scale-and what a good job she's doing
of it!
Tiff the person-Anyone who's generous, kind, compassionate, caring, honest and friendly with a good sense of humour rates
highly in my books. And Tiff fits the bill perfectly.
Kiera (Brisbane)
I like Tiffani's songs - they're fun, and they have something to say. I like her energy and her soulfulness. I like her
style and sense of fun. I like her energy and independence. And I really appreciate her responsiveness and devotion to her
fans. Oh - and the cowboy hat! That should be in a museum some day.
Maurrie (Unknown)
I love tiffi cuz she is so generous with her time, fun loving, down to earth and a true champion - i remeber her saying
about fans "if they can give u 5mins of their time, then she can give her 5min of hers" aww isnt that sweet xxx
Chrissie (Sydney)
I like Tiffani because she's a trooper. She doesn't give up and she's inspiring. She is highly talented and very intelligent,
with the possibility of becoming one of our most celebrated performers. She's honest, sometimes brutally, but it just adds
more to the adoration. She's just Tiffani - and that's why I like her.
Adem Ali (Geelong, Australia)
I like Tiffani because I love her voice and could listen to her all day long. Secondly I think that she is one of the
most friendly down-to-earth people that I know and love how she enjoys spending time with her fans.
Malcolm (Melbourne, Australia)
I saw Tiffani when she supported Hanson at Space in Sydney in 2004, and I liked her set because she had a good time with
such a tough crowd. It was just her and a guitar, she picked some good covers, and it was all very natural and very sweet.
Notquitelullabelle (unknown)
I like tiffani because she is down-to-earth, respectful and caring for her fans. She always gives up her time for us fans
and now-a-days, you hardly see many celebrities doing this for their fans. Also i like her for her voice and beauty and yeah
just being tiff!!
Glenn (Sydney NSW)
Well theres a question, why do i like Tiff? Strangely im not too sure how to answer this. Firstly i have to admit, the
fact that Tiff is amazingly gorgeous and stupidly talanted, tall with gorgeous long black hair and an incredibly sexy australian
voice just makes me go crazy. Tiff is a lady who is warm hearted and kind spirited and out of all the Bardot girls, you could
tell she was always having fun and enjoyed the fans. Her husky voice is very alluring andi must admit i was hooked on her
straight away wheni heard the opening verse to Poison with her smokey yet undescribable Talant. Why do i like Tiff? Because
at the end of the day, her music makes me smile and reminds me of better happy times Smile Even over here in the Uk, listening
to her music makes me admire her talant and the fact she doesnt give up no matter what. Tiffani was and is the best thing
to come out of bardot and thank god, because she deserves everything. Good luck Tiff on everything on the future, and cant
wait for the album mwah xxx
Chris (London, United Kingdon)
I just like Tiff cos she was in bardot I know being in the uk we never really got much Bardot only the first album and
two singles were released here but still that didnt stop me from liking them and since then I use the net to keep up to date
on their solo stuff. Hopefully when her album is out I will find a way to buty it like I did with the second Bardot album.
And Tiff seems soo nice always taking time out to go on the forum and before email fans on her email llist I never knew any
other star who does this shes cool
Paula Manchester (England)
I think tiffani is an awesome singer and person and love how she is so loyal to her fans and doesn't take shite from anyone
James (Unknown)
Well first i was attracted to her voice, its soo strong and powerful. I liked Bardot, like i wasn't ahuge fan but there
music was OK and like probably every Young Aussie at the time i had their debut cd. Anyway, i heard DIYS and i loved it. I
lover her genre at the moment, i love the whole rock chick thingy, like i love Killing Heidi and stuff as well and it's great
tiffs doing that kinda music. Also the fact she owns her own label, i meen thats a real insperation to me cos i wanna do something
like that one day. i even interviewed her for my music industry assignment and got an A!! She's just amazing. Her music, her
talents, her personaliy. I wish Tiffani all the luck she can get with DIYS, its a great song and deserves its rewards.
Julian N. (Melbourne, Australia)
Well my valid reasons why i really like Tiffani Wood is simply because she's a very talented lady gifted with beautiful
voice and a very pleasant personality!I really love all her songs most especially the "What are u waiting for".
She Rocks!!!
Francis Ricafort (Philippines)
I like Tiffani because Tiffani is beautiful. However her beauty is not merely skin deep but her beauty is also in the
time she spends with her fans, her beauty is also in the meaningful notes that she writes & songs that sings. Most importantly
though, her beauty rests deep within one of the biggest hearts that I have ever been priviliged to know.
Scott (Bega, NSW, Australia)
I admire Tiff cos she is the most down-to-earth celebrities that I know of. Proof of this is how she continually interacts
with her fans on her official messageboard. Tiff doesnt turn her nose up at us and truly values our feedback. Tiffani is also
very encouraging to other people and urges and inspires us to follow our dreams. She is also very sexy and extremely talented
- especially when singing live
Perthguy (Perth, WA)
Ok....I like Tiffani for many reasons.
1) She has a great voice and is one of my favourite singers
2) She is so nice to her fans!!
3) Her music rocks
Alyssa (Central Coast)
I like Tiffani because she is an awesome singer and such a wonderful person.
Kylie (Nambucca Heads NSW AUS)